17 Mar COVID-19 and your local Foodshed
Dear Blooming Glen Farm Community-
“I have great faith in a seed. Convince me that you have a seed there and I am prepared to expect wonders.”- Henry David Thoreau
I want to assure our community of eaters that we at Blooming Glen Farm are continuing to seed, plant and prepare for the season ahead, with faith that we will all get through this, together.
The CSA is going forward as planned with a renewed energy and commitment to keep our community fed in the months ahead. We believe now more than ever in the importance of strengthening our local foodshed. With the fate (and attendance, if open) at farmers markets uncertain, we believe the CSA is more valuable than ever.
The CSA season begins in late May. As we approach that time, we will continue to evaluate and assess health recommendations and determine whether we will need a different “pick-up protocol” for our shares, even if that means boxing up our onfarm shares, harvesting the pick-your-own crops for you, and having curb side pick-up, or delivering shares to the most vulnerable in our community.
Our day to day operation at the farm continues to be in compliance with the strict Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). We are more vigilant than ever about washing hands, sanitizing work spaces, not touching our faces, and keeping personal distance during the work day (not difficult on a 40 acre farm!). Our limited number of employees are continually monitoring their health and not reporting to work if sick or symptomatic in any way.
We will continue to prioritize the safety of our staff and customers, while also understanding the importance of getting fresh nutritious produce into your hands.
As long as the farmers markets do remain open, and so far they have been considered an essential food access point like grocery stores, we will plan to attend, but will implement the recommended safety measurements. We will however be taking March off from our winter farmers markets as our storage crops have ended, and we will be focusing on planting and readying for the main season. Come April our tulips will be blooming, so stay tuned for opportunities to safely purchase those, and bring a bit of sunshine into your house. The main farmers market season begins in May. As health guidelines are changing day to day and week to week, we will communicate with you more as we get closer to that date.
We feel blessed and privileged to already work from home, to be able to work in the fresh air every day, and we know not everyone has the resources to do so. As a small business owner that relies on the purchasing power of their community I would be lying if I didn’t say I was concerned about the well being of our business, as well as other local businesses during this trying time.
CSA Shares are still available. We need your support and commitment now more than ever. Farmers are creative and resilient- we will figure out a way to get the food we grow safely into your hands, following the most up to date health recommendations. Please reach out if you need a special CSA payment plan because of your economic situation due to COVID-19.
CSA membership shortens the distance your food travels from field to plate. Paying for your share ahead of time means no cash register transactions. Supporting a CSA will trickle down to the hundreds of businesses we support through our farm operations as well as through our employees. Purchasing a CSA share guarantees that you will have a source of fresh local organic produce from May through November. Our partnerships with local beef, pork, poultry and fruit growers will strengthen your ties to your local foodshed.
We look forward to the opportunity to grow food for your family in these challenging times.
Look out for one another, do your best to continue to support your local businesses. Stay safe, be smart, be responsible but most crucially be compassionate and kind. The only way through this is together.
With gratitude for your continued support.
Your farmers,
Tricia and Tom
Tari Zarka
Posted at 01:08h, 20 MarchThank you for all that you do!! I will be in touch ASAP to finalize payment for our share as well as find out how I can pitch in an help you guys few hours a week to keep this food train growin’!
-Tari Zarka
Brenna Schreck
Posted at 19:06h, 27 MarchThank you Trisha and Tom- My family and our community is grateful to have all of you in it.